
alumni_today_directoryThe Arkansas Alumni Association announces the University of Arkansas Alumni: Today 2009 publication. Scheduled for release in October, this collector’s edition will be the most complete and up-to-date reference of more than 137,000 University of Arkansas alumni worldwide.

Working in partnership with Harris Connect, LLC, the leading alumni directory publisher, we have begun sending out questionnaires to all alumni to update and verify your profile for inclusion in the directory. To make networking easy with fellow alumni, we will include residence and business information, as well as e-mail addresses. You will also have the chance to vote on your favorite cover and submit a photo and essay about yourself.

When contacted, please take a few moments to verify that we have complete and accurate information. This new publication promises to be the most definitive, comprehensive reference guide available as a classic library-quality book or CD-Rom. After your response is received and your data is verified or updated, you will receive a postcard from Harris Connect giving you the opportunity to reserve a copy of the book.

Update (March 3, 2009):

harris_connect_directoryOur first e-mail invitation to verify & update your information went out and several people are concerned over it being legit. The e-mails come from with the subject line “Verification of University of Arkansas Alumni Information”. We apologies for any inconvenience that this might have caused anyone and hope that you’ll take a minute to verify & update your information.

Update (April 6, 2009):

The phoning phase of the University of Arkansas Alumni: Today 2009 publication will begin on Monday, April 13, 2009. If you wish to phone in your record updates, please call Harris Connect toll free at 800-488-9148. The phone line will be activated on Friday, April 10, 2009.

Update (May 5, 2009):

On Monday, May 18, 2009, Harris Connect will start calling alumni as part of the second phoning phase of the alumni directory project. This brief telephone call will ensure your listing is accurate and up-to-date. If you wish to phone in your record updates, please call Harris Connect toll free at 800-488-9148.

Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation!