The Student Alumni Association was created in 2003 with the mission to “inspire loyalty, preserve University of Arkansas traditions, and establish the bond between the University of Arkansas students and alumni.” While much of this is done through SAA-sponsored events such as the annual Homecoming Week, the directors on the Student Alumni Board are constantly brainstorming new ways to add value to your membership, while keeping true to the basis of this organization’s foundation.
One of the board’s favorite things to do is hold events that give students the ability to interact with alumni. Students like it because talking with alumni gives them hope during those extremely long and stressful weeks of studying. Alumni like it because talking with students brings back great collegiate memories. Events such as this give both students and alumni the ability to network and make connections.
So, in order to give students a valuable service that enables them to establish a bond with U of A alumni, the organization created the first SAA Resume Workshop, which is being held at the Janelle Y. Hembree Alumni House on March 31.
SAA is partnering with the Young Alumni Board to host this event. Representatives from the Young Alumni Board will be giving presentations on a variety of topics ranging from cover letters to the advantages of using social media effectively. Students will also have the chance to go over their resume one-on-one with some of these representatives during optional breakout sessions. All of this is made even better by the complimentary continental breakfast and the genuine bonding time at the most beautiful alumni house in the SEC.