missouri_hog_tagsThe wait is over! Razorbacks will soon appear on license plates in Missouri. The Arkansas Alumni Association has finished collecting the 200 required initial applications for the plates, and the Missouri Department of Transportation has started production.

Anyone with a vehicle registered in Missouri can buy a Razorback License Plate, including those who are not University of Arkansas alumni. Missouri Hog Tags are personalized plates and may contain from one to six characters or from one to five characters plus a dash, hyphen, or apostrophe.  Buying these license plates not only displays your Razorback pride but also provides Road to the Hill Scholarships for Missouri students enrolling at the University of Arkansas.

The Missouri license plates cost $40, with $15 going to the Missouri Department of Transportation and $25 going toward an Arkansas Alumni Association scholarship fund. With the initial applications, almost $5,000 has been raised for Missouri students.

Missouri is the only state other than Arkansas to offer Razorback License Plates. In Arkansas, 12,000 Hog Tags have been purchased since the program launched in 1994. The plates generate nearly $300,000 annually for scholarships for Arkansas students. Like Missouri, anyone with a registered vehicle is eligible to buy these specialty plates.

For more information about purchasing a Missouri license plate, visit http://www.arkansasalumni.org/roadtothehill.