College of Engineering, B.S. in Biomedical Engineering
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Parents: George and Katherine Carradini
Mentor: Dr. Kartik Balachandran
- Undergraduate Research, Mechanobiology and Soft Materials Lab
- Undergraduate research, Vaccine & Immunotherapy Delivery Lab
- Study Abroad – Argentina & Belize Service Learning
- Resident Assistant (RA)
- Head of House, Beta Upsilon Chi
- President, Tau Beta Pi
- Attending the University of Oklahoma Medical School in the Fall
The lessons that John Carradini has learned in pursuit of his degree in biomedical engineering span more than just the required curriculum at the University of Arkansas. Through various class projects, he has learned determination, focus and how to effectively lead his peers.
He has worked on five different research projects, one of which was exclusively his. After completing a cancer research project during his freshman year, he has spent three years working on a hypertension project, the subject of his Honors College thesis.
The U of A has allowed him to spend time overseas, furthering his deep love of helping other people. After his sophomore year, John worked on an interdisciplinary community development team in Dangriga, Belize. He chose to work on the medical team, which ran a rudimentary indigent clinic, giving basic medical assessments to those who believed they couldn’t access the healthcare system.
He spent the summer after his junior year in Cordoba, Argentina, working with a medical mission team. Through his three-month experience in Argentina, he developed a new level of empathy with disadvantaged peoples.
John has received acceptances from multiple medical schools but has chosen to attend the University of Oklahoma Medical School. He hopes that with a medical degree and a potential master’s degree in public health, he can bring medical care to more at-risk individuals, both in the United States and abroad.