Written by Micah Minter
Looking back over the summer, I am glad I accepted the challenge to intern at BBDO in New York.
BBDO is a worldwide advertising agency. I initially heard about the internship through Lucy Brown, a professor in the journalism department at the University of Arkansas. She met with me and provided insight on possible expectations.
I assumed I would be fetching coffee like the typical intern does. To my surprise, I never did. I interned in the account management department with the Bacardi Limited team. Some of my responsibilities included weekly competitive updates, taking detailed notes during the status meetings and managing social engagement on Bacardi social channels. I had a blast interning at BBDO.
I also had a blast venturing NYC! I resided in a neighborhood in lower Manhattan called Chelsea. Apparently, it is “the place to be.” I was only a few subway stops from Midtown, Harlem and Central Park. While I was there, I also had the chance to go to Times Square and take a selfie on the Brooklyn Bridge. Spending the summer in NYC has made this past summer one that I will always remember!