Greetings Members and Friends of BAS,
As a follow up to last month’s newsletter, I would like to remind you to take a few minutes to go online and nominate those individuals we can recognize during the Black Alumni Society 25th Year Reunion Celebration during the weekend of April 17-19, 2015. You may nominate someone for each of the following categories:
- Citation of Distinguished Alumni
- Honorary Alumni
- Young Alumni
- Alumni Service
- Community Service
- Dr. Lonnie R. Williams Lifetime Achievement Award
- Wyatt Weems Memorial Award
Submit your nominations today!!
I would also ask that you start thinking now about whom we can nominate for the 2015 Arkansas Alumni Association Awards honorees.
You can nominate a person for each of these categories:
- Citation of Distinguished Alumni
- Andrew J. Lucas Alumni Service Award
- Community Service Award
- Young Alumni Award
- Honorary Alumni Award
- Faculty Distinguished Achievement Award for Service
- Faculty Distinguished Achievement Awards for Research
- Rising Teaching Award
- Charles and Nadine Baum Faculty Teaching Award
The recipients will be recognized at the 2015 Alumni Awards Banquet in October.
After receiving such a resounding response to the “Road to Silver” 2015 BAS Reunion Reception in Dallas, we are ready to gather in Little Rock for the next Pre-Reunion Reception at the Mosaic Temple Community Center on November 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. We encourage you to attend and bring alumni with you. We would like to give you a taste of what is to come during the Black Alumni Society 25th Year Reunion Celebration Banquet on April 18, 2015. We welcome not only your attendance but your input as well. If you have recommendations for the Reunion, I encourage you to contact Angela Monts with your suggestions.
“Honoring the Past, While Building the Future!”
Humbly submitted by,
John L Colbert, President
BAS, Class of ’76 and ’81