Biographical Information
Name: Mike Norton
Graduation Year: 2013
Degree: B.S.A. in Agricultural Business and Poultry Science
College: Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
Honors College: Yes
What is your favorite memory from your time at the U of A?
I spent the summer between my sophomore and junior year in Accra, Ghana working for the World Cocoa Foundation, a Gates Foundation-funded NGO. WCF sent me all over the southern half of the country teaching me about cocoa and then surveying farmers (with the help of a translator!) to measure the programs’ effectiveness. On a trip where I was observing their training for a few days, I convinced a co-worker to let me ride his cooperative extension service-issued dirt bike. He rode on the back and I got it up to 60. I don’t think he was expecting that 1) I knew how to ride a dirtbike, 2) would get it that fast.
What are you doing now and where?
I’m in law school at Stanford. I completed a Ph.D. in the UK beforehand on the Marshall Scholarship and worked in DC before that.
What experiences at the U of A have served you best in your career/grad school?
Serving in the ASG Senate for all four years, including senior year as Chair of Senate, taught me a lot about finding compromise between different perspectives and voices. That will be something I carry with me for my whole career.
What do you wish you had taken advantage of as an undergraduate?
I wish I had taken advantage of the Southern Studies minor in Fulbright. I gained some of that history curriculum in grad school, but it would have been great to have gotten it earlier.
What experience since graduation has made you most grateful to be part of the Razorback family?
I’ve kept in touch with professors long after I left The Hill, and I’ve relished their accessibility and advice many years after I’ve graduated.
How would you most like to give back as an alumnus of the University of Arkansas?
Moving back to NWA at some point and mentoring future students!